Simple Re-Interprets Purchasing By Using a Mobile Phone

OTP MobileFollowing an almost one year long development and testing period, OTP’s mobile application called Simple debuted at the Sziget Festival. Developers re-interpreted the whole purchasing experience starting with the ordering up to the payment as the entire process is managed via this application. Currently, Simple can be used with soft drink vending machines, ordering food in restaurants and on-line as well as buying movie tickets. More functions will be added before the end of the year. Those who were lucky enough to get invited, could test the application in the VIP Section of Sziget Festival.Payment using smart phones has been increasingly spread globally, but applications developed for this purpose usually focus on the payment transaction only and do not leverage further opportunities offered by smart phones. Simple is a direct response to this challenge, and is much more than applications that have been available so far. The application can be downloaded free of charge from Google Play and Appstore.„There are a lot of ways how to use a smart phone. We wanted to create an application that proves this, therefore what we did was more than integrating a bank card into the mobile phone. Actually, we cover the entire purchasing process, starting with selection up to the payment”, says Péter Benyó, CEO OF OTP Mobile. „When we developed the app, we were focusing on everyday situations where the use of Simple would make is faster and simpler”, he added.One of the most exciting features of the application that is independent from banks and mobile service providers is that with its help, consumers can in certain restaurants and nightclubs open the menu on their phones, place their respective orders and pay for them. “We all hate waiting too long for getting the menu or having the order taken by the waiter. On top of that, this application will make life easier for the HORECA venues as well” – said Péter Benyó, CEO of OTP Mobile. “During the testing period, we received positive feedback from both user sides. We learned that people got used to the app very quickly” – he added.Further to the waiter function, one can order food from 300 restaurants. On top of that, several hundreds of soft drink vending machines are available through the app, and one can consult the movie programs and buy the tickets as well. Péter Benyó, when asked about future options, said that in the beginning, the goal is o broad the circle of places where the application can be used, and also to increase the number of users of Simple. Having said that, the Company plans introducing new services for the application before the end of the year yet.Károly Gerendai also attended the event and greeted the new application on behalf of Sziget Festival, restaurants Costes and Kiosk. The businessman who has played a leading role in developing innovative cash free payment methods said: „I believe that the spread of mobile payment and the multitude of options offered by smart phones would mean a significant innovation for the hospitality sector and other industries. Simple does the steps that are necessary for making the consumers use this type of innovation on a wide scale.”


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